Hi I have installed nebulagraph standalone for lin...
# nebula
Hi I have installed nebulagraph standalone for linux by building from source. Graph service is running in However I'm not able to make the nebula client work. I'm trying the exmaple code SessionExample.cpp but the execution gets stuck in ConnectionPool init function and doesnt proceed after that. Aybody know how to fix this issue? Thank you
Dear @Chiranjeevi, welcome to the community! did you verify it’s working with the nebula-console first? btw. we didn’t test the standalone build for a while, it could be some unknown issues though. Also, I am curious about why you would like to use the standalone build, is it for some edge computing/thin machine env, or? The normal(distributed version) nebulagrpah build can be deployed in single server, too.
Hi Thank you for the reply. I did try to verifywith nebula console but I was facing an error like "failed to open open connection; failed to verify client version". I built the nebula-console from source after cloning. You are right, I'm trying to using it for edge computing on memory constrained devices like rpi
Dear @Chiranjeevi, Got it, thanks, “failed to open connection; failed to verify client version” seems graphd-client cannot perform the version handshake rpc to grpahd(9669), could you help verify whether you are using the expected version of nebula-console, and what does the nebulagraph log say?
Hi. I used the latest version (3.3) of nebula graph, client and the console. However, when I tried this on a different machine, I'm not facing that error. However I'm getting the below logs. 1. For SessionExample.cpp Current address: Host|Port|HTTP port|Status|Leader count|Leader distribution|Partition distribution|Version| ""|9779|19779|"ONLINE"|0|"No valid partition"|"No valid partition"|""| Host|Port|HTTP port|Status|Leader count|Leader distribution|Partition distribution|Version| ""|9779|19779|"ONLINE"|0|"No valid partition"|"No valid partition"|""| 2. Additionally StorageClientExample.cpp gives below logs. E0203 151055.648643 14699 MetaClient.cpp:42] Get space id for nba failed scan edge...