hi, I'm having trouble understanding some of the G...
# nebula-users
hi, I'm having trouble understanding some of the Grafana metrics we have a single Nebula importer instance running a history load to our cluster (v3.2.0, 8 nodes). the importer logs a steady rate of ~250k rows/s:
Copy code
2022/09/13 08:05:02 [INFO] statsmgr.go:89: Tick: Time(290.00s), Finished(71750768), Failed(0), Read Failed(0), Latency AVG(1887us), Batches Req AVG(2043us), Rows AVG(247416.41/s)
2022/09/13 08:05:07 [INFO] statsmgr.go:89: Tick: Time(295.00s), Finished(72978112), Failed(0), Read Failed(0), Latency AVG(1887us), Batches Req AVG(2043us), Rows AVG(247383.40/s)
at the same time, a Grafana metric
is reporting ~110k rows/s. could someone help interpret this metric pls? thank you!
just curious, in importer, the 250k/s only insert vertices, or actually there're edges as well?
only vertices
what about the batch size in your importer config?
num_add_vertices is the number of calls to this add_vertices operator, you may insert a batch upon one call, so the rate might not be aligned with the amount of vertices added. Try num_vertices_inserted instead.
batchSize is 16, but we'll try playing with different metrics. tnx!