Hi <@U01QTMK3457>, while using nebula-importer, i ...
# nebula
Hi @wey, while using nebula-importer, i am facing below issues. can you please let me know probable cause of it?
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2022/09/22 13:11:50 read /home/ec2-user/nebula-importer/examples/v2/example.yaml: is a directory
Copy code
Unable to find image 'vesoft/nebula-importer:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from vesoft/nebula-importer
530afca65e2e: Pull complete 
d1122c77a8e7: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:e28db8b80c7c35b3fc9d0a7cb71cc52fb8dc93810bc3c70a69b50bb35de429
Status: Downloaded newer image for vesoft/nebula-importer:latest
2022/09/22 13:11:50 --- START OF NEBULA IMPORTER ---
2022/09/22 13:11:50 read /home/ec2-user/nebula-importer/examples/v2/example.yaml: is a directory
2022/09/22 13:11:51 --- END OF NEBULA IMPORTER ---
[ec2-user@ip-1 v2]$ ls -ltr
total 72
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  60 Sep 22 13:09 student.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  86 Sep 22 13:09 student-with-label-and-str-vid.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  17 Sep 22 13:09 glob-follow-2.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  51 Sep 22 13:09 glob-follow-1.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  465 Sep 22 13:09 geography_test.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  68 Sep 22 13:09 follow.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  95 Sep 22 13:09 follow-with-label.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  109 Sep 22 13:09 follow-with-label-and-str-vid.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  114 Sep 22 13:09 follow-with-header.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  114 Sep 22 13:09 follow-delimiter.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user 1117 Sep 22 13:09 example_with_working_dir.yaml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  140 Sep 22 13:09 date_test.csv
drwxrwxr-x 2 ec2-user ec2-user  24 Sep 22 13:09 data
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  163 Sep 22 13:09 course.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  152 Sep 22 13:09 course-with-header.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user  48 Sep 22 13:09 choose.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user 10416 Sep 22 13:11 example.yaml
I am using docker command like below (after updating values)
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docker run --rm -ti \
    --network=host \
    -v {your-config-file}:{your-config-file} \
    -v {your-csv-data-dir}:{your-csv-data-dir} \
    --config {your-config-file}
👍 1
It looks like a path mapping issue, how did you pass the path of the example.yaml to docker command exactly?
👍 1
@Himanshu Gupta could you please ensure this? 1. the --config <file_path> is the one inside the container after the mapping? 2. same applied to the path inside the config file you could verify this in the running container (i.e. by override entrypoint with a sh/bash)
I am running this command:
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docker run --rm -ti \
  --network=host \
  -v /home/ec2-user/nebula-importer/examples/v2:/tmp \
  vesoft/nebula-importer \
  --config /tmp/example.yaml
And getting this error now.
Copy code
2022/09/26 07:47:43 --- START OF NEBULA IMPORTER ---
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/choose.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/course.csv/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/course-with-header.csv/course-with-header.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/course-with-header.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/follow-with-label.csv/follow-with-label.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/follow-with-label.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/follow-with-label-and-str-vid.csv/follow-with-label-and-str-vid.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/follow-with-label-and-str-vid.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/follow.csv/follow.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/follow.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/follow-glob.csv/glob-follow-1.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/glob-follow-1.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/follow-glob.csv/glob-follow-2.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/glob-follow-2.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/follow-with-header.csv/follow-with-header.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/follow-with-header.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/student.csv/student.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/student.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/student_index.csv/student.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/student.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/student_label_str_vid.csv/student-with-label-and-str-vid.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/student-with-label-and-str-vid.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/follow_index.csv/follow.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/follow.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/follow-delimiter.csv/follow-delimiter.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/follow-delimiter.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/course-empty-props.csv/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/course-multi-empty-props.csv/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/course-mix-empty-props.csv/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/course-mix-empty-props-2.csv/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/course.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/follow-empty-props.csv/follow.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/follow.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/date_test.csv/date_test.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/date_test.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:393: Failed data path: err/geography_test.csv/geography_test.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:399: find file: /tmp/geography_test.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [WARN] config.go:334: You have not configured the failed data output file path in: files[0].failDataPath, reset to default path: /tmp/err/choose.csv
2022/09/26 07:47:43 [INFO] config.go:473: files[2].schema.vertex is nil
is it related to some issue with the example yaml file?