Hello nebula admins, currently I'm trying to backu...
# nebula
Hello nebula admins, currently I'm trying to backup and then restore nebuladb with nebula-br (community edition, deployed with helm chart in k8s). I can create backup without any problems, but I can't restore this backup. During restore I recieve this err:
stop cluster failed: stop services in host nebula-cluster-storaged-0.nebula-cluster-storaged-headless.nebula.svc.cluster.local failed: agent, stop service failed: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = exit status 127
. Nebula agent logs:
level":"error","msg":"Get status of service storaged failed
. Did anybody deal with similar problem? Thank you.
Hello @R贸bert Kuzma, currently only the Enterprise edition of NebulaGraph supports backup and restore for the K8s deployment. So if you're using the community version and you want to backup and restore, you might need to consider switching to other deployment methods. And then you could use br to realize the backup.
Thank you for information.
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