You don't have any space created on new machines. ...
# nebula
You don't have any space created on new machines. The old one exists only on previously used nodes.
Thank you, Goran. Do you know how to spread the dataset/space to all the storage nodes?
I thought the data will be redistributed to all the storage instances after running balance leader, but it is not as expected.
Ah, that maybe 5 is the minimum partition num, let me increase the total partition from 15 to 25.
Copy code
I20231130 08:40:44.317204   107 LeaderBalanceJobExecutor.cpp:388] 5 is between min load 5 and max load 6
I20231130 08:40:44.317206   107 LeaderBalanceJobExecutor.cpp:388] 5 is between min load 5 and max load 6
I20231130 08:40:44.317207   107 LeaderBalanceJobExecutor.cpp:388] 5 is between min load 5 and max load 6
I20231130 08:40:44.317209   107 LeaderBalanceJobExecutor.cpp:411] Not need balance
Balance leader is just to balance number of the leaders per partition for each node, that will not change data distribution. Data redistribution is not supported, but there is experimental flag to enable that.
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I see, not sure if the experiment feature stable enough.🤔
I think you’d want the BALANCE DATA then BALANCE LEADER commands
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