Another question is does nebula support ipv6 and d...
# nebula
Another question is does nebula support ipv6 and data migration between nebula clusters themselves? Thanks in advance.
Sorry, it's not yet supported as there are not many user actually needing ipv6, is ipv6 a blocking issue for you?
Hi wey, yes it’s due to our infra is moving to ipv6.
Wonder how much effort needed to support ipv6, if it’s not so complicated could you instruct me to compile an interim version.😅
Let me see if I could prepare a PR for you, you could help on testing it
Sure 🫡, really appreciate that.
Created a rough pr, let me see if I can pass the tests. For build, refer to or its english version
Oh, I forgot to prepare en version of that blog, you could follow the docs if you cannot read chinese 😛
update: now I can build it locally and run test cod of that function fine, you could give a try on your env... also, you could also consider add an dns server and put all addresses in hostname to mitigate the ipv6 address
❤️ 1
Great! Many many thanks! Will try it and update then.
Oh, I forgot to prepare en version of that blog, you could follow the docs if you cannot read chinese 😛
I definitely can read chinese.😂❤️
❤️ 1
I give a smoke graphd run on my machine with ipv6, and it crashed, I updated with a newer version
It seems to work
Copy code
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I20231129 14:19:54.027256 62360 GraphDaemon.cpp:122] Starting Graph HTTP Service
I20231129 14:19:54.032068 62362 WebService.cpp:124] Web service started on HTTP[19669]
I20231129 14:19:54.032181 62360 GraphDaemon.cpp:136] Number of networking IO threads: 72
I20231129 14:19:54.032199 62360 GraphDaemon.cpp:145] Number of worker threads: 72
I20231129 14:19:54.043664 62360 MetaClient.cpp:80] Create meta client to "":9559
I20231129 14:19:54.043692 62360 MetaClient.cpp:81] root path: /usr/local/nebula, data path size: 0
I20231129 14:19:54.098246 62360 MetaClient.cpp:3269] Load leader ok
I20231129 14:19:54.102814 62360 MetaClient.cpp:162] Register time task for heartbeat!
I20231129 14:19:54.105023 62360 GraphSessionManager.cpp:337] Total of 0 sessions are loaded
I20231129 14:19:54.106323 62360 MemoryTracker.h:106] MemoryTracker update limit 8589934592.000GiB -> 150.968GiB
I20231129 14:19:54.106411 62360 MemoryUtils.cpp:171] MemoryTracker set static ratio: 0.8
I20231129 14:19:54.108557 62360 Snowflake.cpp:17] WorkerId init success: 1
I20231129 14:19:54.109128 62469 GraphServer.cpp:63] Starting nebula-graphd on fdd5:4123:e98d:4a86:2832:4cff:fe06:4c4:9669
Copy code
❯ nebula-console -port 9669 -user root -p nebula -addr fdd5:4123:e98d:4a86:2832:4cff:fe06:4c4

Welcome to Nebula Graph!

(root@nebula) [(none)]> show hosts graph
| Host                                     | Port | Status   | Role    | Git Info Sha | Version |
| "fdd5:4123:e98d:4a86:2832:4cff:fe06:4c4" | 9669 | "ONLINE" | "GRAPH" | "e1d7b0051"  | ""      |
Got 1 rows (time spent 4.773ms/6.843921ms)
❤️ 1
👍 2
Hi wei, I will deploy it in our platform to do verification. Thanks lot.🫡
🙌 1