Hi! I am a maintainer at Clusterpedia-a CNCF Sandb...
# nebula
Hi! I am a maintainer at Clusterpedia-a CNCF Sandbox project. We are planning to introduce Nebula as the Graph database storage layer for our project with existing storage layers of mysql and postgres. We had been using GORM to interact with the databases. But GORMdoesnt supoort Nebula as of now. Is there an alternative to GORM which might help us work with Nebula? Thanks.
Wow, welcome to the NebulaGraph community, Yash! Great to know CLusterpedia will adapt Graph/NebulaGraph! Loved the idea to build Encyclopedia of the k8s resources! There is an open-source project named norm that's inspired by GORM maintained by one of our user Zhihu Inc.:(https://github.com/zhihu/norm), could you take a look at that? BTW, I used to create a toy project to put k8s resources into NebulaGraph 🙂 https://github.com/wey-gu/k8s-graph Cheers!Wey
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BTW, it seems norm was not yet adpated to NebulaGraph 3.x, I am requesting to move the project to Nebula-Contrib org, if you are interested in maintaining that, we could work to jointly to uplift it with NebulaGraph 3.x support.
Thanks a lot . Norm can be very useful . We had been facing difficulty to adapt Graph databases. Will definitely look into the docs
Sure @wey lets do that
Sure! @Yash Khare Also, quick update, the norm project is already with NebulaGraph v3 capability since https://github.com/zhihu/norm/pull/15 .
Looks great Thanks